This week marks yet another important milestone on SINRMAS’ crusade towards excellence in quality water service provision. We have joined a diverse family of movers and shakers in the water sector congregated under the umbrella of the Water Institute of Southern Africa (WISA).
To us, WISA is the crescendo in our quest to hit the high note of quality and innovative solutions in the utilization; management and conservation of our precious water and water resources. SINRMAS is about is about creative thinking and solutions for the vexing and even existential challenges that continue to afflict the water sector in particular and the future security of water as a resource of existential significance in general. Gladly, our membership of WISA will afford us the platform to contribute meaningfully towards the resolution of all these challenges.
As SINRMAS we bring to WISA a dynamic team of energetic and committed young professionals whose academic capital spans a broad swathe of specialization in the water industry from training and skills development to laboratory and environmental monitoring. It is a youth team that is predominated and led by young black women professionals.
We convey our sincere appreciation to the management and leadership of WISA for taking us into the fold of this wonderful family of experts and professionals.
Read more about what WISA stand for on https://wisa.org.za/