This week marks yet another important milestone on SINRMAS’ crusade towards excellence in quality water service provision. We have joined a diverse family of movers and shakers in the water sector congregated under the umbrella of the Water Institute of Southern Africa (WISA).
Section 1 of The Sustainable Development Goals Report 2023 entitled Promise in Peril begins with a foreboding yet instructive statement that says “Leave no one behind. That defining principle of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is a shared promise by every country to work together to secure the rights and well-being of everyone on a healthy, thriving planet. But halfway to 2030, that promise is in peril. The Sustainable Development Goals are disappearing in the rear-view mirror, as is the hope and rights of current and future generations. A fundamental shift is needed – in commitment, solidarity, financing and action – to put the world on a better path. And it is needed now.”
Polluted rivers and streams can be sources for water-borne diseases such as Cholera, Giardiasis, Typhoid and other enteric diseases? See how it happens…